苏州金地新市路商业以最佳“未来项目”闪耀 2020 全球 RLI 大奖

近日,由伍兹贝格担纲建筑设计的苏州金地新市路商业在 2020 年全球 RLI 大奖中摘得桂冠,荣获最佳“未来项目”。祝贺获奖团队,感谢业主金地商置对伍兹贝格的信任!获奖项目详情如下:

Woods Bagot designed Gemdale Xinshi Road Development in Suzhou has recently awarded as Winner of 2020 Global Global Retail and Leisure Awards (RLI) Future Project.

play the video above to see the virtual ceremony

Gemdale Xinshi Road Development


苏州,一个承载深厚文化底蕴,有着诗意般理想生活的历史名城,古城作为其城市精神的集中体现,史迹遗产荟萃。伍兹贝格受金地集团之邀打造的苏州新市路商业开发项目便位于古城的核心,规模 114,600 平方米。



Suzhou has always been known as a city with rich social and cultural implications. Located in ancient city downtown area, Gemdale Xinshi Road Development is surrounded by a cluster of cultural heritage venues.  

Leveraging the history and historic garden environments of Suzhou, this new lifestyle destination includes shopping experiences for the locals and tourists alike.



With typographies that blends both architecture and landscape to offer visitors changing scenery as they move through the retail development. The structure is contained by a double skin façade which represents the garden wall, with 40% of the inner site opened up to provide a spectacular atrium bathed in natural sunlight.

“我们的设计理念由‘城中花园’出发,受到古老水镇、回转廊桥、传统绘画以及戏曲舞台的启发,通过贴合人性尺度的层叠露台、屋顶花园的设计,将建筑充分融入独特的苏式景观之中,为商业和本地社区赋予了深层的理解与文化传承,是古典传统文化与现代精致生活的生动碰撞。” 伍兹贝格高级董事合伙人翁捷分享道。

“The design concept is manifested in 'Garden in the city'. The project is inspired by the ancient water town, ornate bridges, traditional paintings and opera stage whilst the design blends both architecture and landscape together to offer to change scenery to its visitors. Bordering this space with hard edges are dramatic setbacks and multiple height terraces and rooftop gardens, which mirror the scales, ratios and traditional rhythms of Suzhou’s historic architecture.” explained Jean Weng, Director of  Woods Bagot.


古城遗址、中国传统园林为我们带来了无限可挖掘的灵感,项目的建筑体量为开放空间的激活创造出绝佳的条件,团队以 1/3 的体量创造出中央庭院,通过流动的体量边界、创意露台以及文化节点,形成一个动态的体验之旅。

Investigating the site history reveals, and inspiration from the Chinese traditional gardens. The massing design is manifested for courtyard which is fully open and activated. Bringing out 1/3 massing volume, to create a central garden, with ever changing edges, innovated terraces and cultural pods, resulting as a dynamic courtyard garden.


昆曲,苏州文化艺术中的珍品,中国戏曲最古老的剧种之一,2001 年被联合国教科文组织列为“人类口述遗产和非物质遗产代表作”。新市路商业项目中特别打造的昆曲舞台成为整个开发的亮点。

Kun Opera, one of the oldest extant forms of Chinese opera, which has been listed as one of the Master pieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since 2001. The opera house, designed for Kun Opera stage, opens to public, activates the energy in the courtyard garden.

“将文化元素融入到商业项目开发中,使其成为设计本身的一部分,可以为商业增值。昆曲舞台成为团队为苏州打造的专属活动空间 ,提升了整体的商业氛围和文化品味。” 伍兹贝格合伙人吴涛分享说。

"Integrating cultural elements to the development will become its own design identity and value added to the development." said Tao Wu, Principal of Woods Bagot.

总设计面积:114,600 平方米
Project Name: Gemdale Xinshi Road Development, Suzhou
Location: Suzhou, China
Owner: Gemdale Properties and Investment
Design Area: 114,600 sqm
Service: Retail Architecture
Estimated Completion Date: 2021